I'm not going to lie--sometimes the home buying process can be discouraging.
Meet Joe & Kellie. We've been working for them since the end of May. They did everything right: they saved up money in order to have a healthy down payment. They kept their credit scores pristine and got all their financial papers together to get pre-approved for a home loan. And then we set out to find them their first home.
We put in very strong offers on two places early on--and got beat out. It was discouraging! But we jumped back in and found an AMAZING place--and voila! Their offer was accepted AND we negotiated for the seller to perform a crawl space abatement that saved Kellie & Joe $4800.
That's what we do. We work smart and we work HARD for our clients. We pushed through the failed attempts and ended up finding the right house at the right price in the right location. I told Kellie early on that even though she couldn't see the finish line--it was still out there. We just had to keep running the race.
And that's how it can be when you're buying a house: a marathon. You just have to keep plugging along and never give up. The right house IS out there. You might not think so today, and we may end up in 2nd place on an offer tomorrow--but the house that will soon become your HOME *does* exist, and with some persistence and grit, we'll find it.
We are so happy for Kellie & Joe and wanted to tell you their story in case you're feeling discouraged as you look for a place to buy. We can't thank them enough for toughing it out and working with us to make it happen.
Here are a few tips to help YOU get into the best position for buying your first--or next--home!